AXA Konzern AG

Giuseppina Scuzzarello-Eichmeier

Manager Employer Branding

Mrs. Scuzzarello-Eichmeier, please introduce yourself briefly.

My name is Giuseppina, and I am responsible for employer branding at AXA Deutschland together with a small team. At the same time, I am part of an international working group within the AXA Group that is working on the positioning of our global employer brand.

I joined AXA as a dual student in 2009 and have been dedicating myself to my passionate subject of employer branding since 2014. Topics such as the design of the experience of candidates and employees along various touchpoints are part of my turbulent daily work routine. The areas of university cooperation, online incl. social media communication, career fairs and events, as well as internal employer branding activities, are also part of our scope of duties.

To get the most out of my free time, I regularly go jogging and to Fight Fit. When I am on holiday, I like to be inspired by current trends and different cultures when I travel – this is how I always try to stay up-to-date.

What is Workdate used for at AXA?

With Workdate we have found a simple, digital and yet personal solution to the needs of our employees. It is important to us to make the cross-departmental networking of our employees a cultural naturalness. This is particularly relevant in the onboarding phase of new employees. Even longstanding employees benefit from this, as they can continuously expand their network. We use Workdate as a digital way to quickly and easily arrange lunch or coffee with – yet – unknown colleagues of other disciplines. Having a feeling for what goes on beyond the departmental boundaries is becoming more and more central to our collaboration.

Why did you choose Workdate?

AXA is in the middle of a digital and cultural transformation. To master these challenges successfully, it is of particular importance that our employer branding solutions fit into the working world of the future.We have asked ourselves the question of how we can fulfill the wish of establishing personal contacts in the “moment of need,” especially for new employees. One of our answers is Workdate. As a digital solution, the tool can be seamlessly integrated into everyday work. The simple and intuitive operation of Workdate directly appealed to us when reviewing the tool. When choosing a cooperation partner, we – as a corporation with more than 9000 employees – naturally focused on the topics of “Data Protection” and “IT Security.” To cover these topics, we were able to derive technical and organizational measures together with Workdate that guarantee the security of our employee data. Workdate has always been a constructive partner who flexibly responds to our needs.

What is the feedback from participating employees?

Before the cross-departmental introduction, a randomly selected group of employees had the opportunity to try out the networking format in a test phase. Due to the positive feedback and the high interest of our colleagues, we have decided to make Workdate available to all employees based in Cologne. The excellent compatibility of the tool with the daily work routine and its easy handling were particularly appreciated. The further development does not end with the test phase, of course: all employees have the opportunity to give feedback and share their experiences via an online survey.

Our onboarding concept “New on Board” in combination with Workdate also convinced the jury of the Employer Branding Award for the Best Employer Brand: We were awarded silver in the category Internal Branding!